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portrait of Simon of the Bowerman TrustThe Bowerman Charitable Trust has a collection of paintings and sculptures which form The Bowerman Collection - privately collected British Art for public enjoyment enabled through four focal collections - Newlyn School, Modern British pre 1945, Modern British post 1945 and Contemporary British Art.  We have several stated intersectional interests - Sussex related art (either because of the artist's connection with the county or the themes in the art itself), Women artists, Landscape, Floral/Garden subject matter and Portraits. 

Each year three different exhibitions are planned which are available to view at various Art Events and to interested groups who book by prior appointment.  Paintings are available for loan to approved Museums and Galleries, subject to arrangement.

For further reading click on this link to Dreweatts who interviewed our Curator, Simon Downham, and released this article about The Bowerman Collection